Both President Tim Raney, AICP, and Senior Vice President Cindy Gnos, AICP, have served as local government planning staff and have a thorough understanding of the land use and planning processes. Together, Mr. Raney and Ms. Gnos have over 65 years of combined experience in providing planning services. Raney has prepared policy documents and provided public outreach for projects such as the APA Award-winning Community Vision, Downtown Corridor Improvement Plan, and Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan for the City of Wheatland; the Lodi Development Code Update; and the Galt Development Code Update. In addition to larger policy planning, Raney has provided contract planning services to a number of jurisdictions throughout northern California assisting with review of development applications, including determination of application completeness, review for consistency with general plans, specific plans, and zoning codes; management of architectural peer reviews; processing complex entitlements; routing applications; coordination with applicable internal departments and outside agencies; and handling tribal consultation pursuant to AB 52 and SB 18 requirements.

What separates Raney from other land use firms is Raney’s ability to successfully guide new projects through both the planning and environmental review processes. For multiple jurisdictions, Raney has provided both planning and CEQA/NEPA review services, including reviewing applications for completeness, routing applications to necessary departments and agencies, and preparing the staff reports associated CEQA/NEPA document. Through these experiences, Raney has gained a unique understanding of the role CEQA plays in the planning entitlement process and the most cost-efficient and effective way to provide on-call planning services.

Raney has performed land use services throughout northern California providing Raney the tools to adapt to the needs of each new, unique community. For example, Raney provides contract planning services to coastal communities, which required Raney to coordinate with the California Coastal Commission in order to process projects. Additionally, Raney provides contract on-call planning services for the City of Wheatland, a rural, agricultural community. Raney also provides contract planning services to valley communities, Bay Area communities, and Sierra Nevada communities. Raney is aware that each jurisdiction’s community holds unique needs and values and Raney has the experience in providing contract planning to match those needs. In order to provide exemplary contract planning services, Raney is committed to tailoring its services to mimic the values, goals, and policies of each community.


  • Determine the completeness of development applications
  • Project routing and entitlement processing
  • Interagency coordination
  • Staff reports and resolutions
  • Presenting applications to Planning Commissions, City Councils, and Board of Supervisors
  • Project stakeholder meetings
  • Ad Hoc Committee Workshops
  • Development Agreement negotiations
  • Ongoing staff-level support
  • Planning policy documents
  • Zoning Ordinances and regulations
  • General Plan updates

Cindy Gnos, AICP - Senior Vice President


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