Laurin Associates is available to prepare Placed-In-Service (PIS) packages for developers who have completed their Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) project. In the past, the Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) has expressed concern regarding the quality of the PIS packages received, causing substantial delays in processing the packages so that the 8609s can be issued. Laurin Associates works with developers to ensure that the PIS package is complete, accurate and of the quality that TCAC expects.
Laurin Associates has provided administrative subcontractor services to several cities for HOME project administration. Additionally, Laurin Associates has developed a strong working relationship with the HOME representatives. Laurin Associate's services include, but are not limited to: preparing the Project Set-up Binder per HCD requirements; preparing monthly and annual reports; monitoring project milestones; preparing the Project Completion Report and Close-out Manual.
Laurin Associates has substantial experience preparing tax credit and tax-exempt bond applications. Laurin Associates works with the applicant to ensure that the application is structured to receive the maximum points possible, and that it meets all threshold and underwriting requirements. Laurin Associates can prepare applications from start to finish, or provide a thorough review of completed applications.
State recipients of HOME project grants are responsible for annual monitoring of HOME assisted rental projects to ensure the continued compliance with Federal and State laws. Laurin Associates monitoring services include: noticing the project owner/manager and sending any required forms to be completed; performing a site visit and inspection; and tenant file reviews. Laurin Associates works with the owner and management to address any “Concerns” and “Findings” until all areas of concern have been addressed before submitting all requisite documents to HCD.
Housing and community development studies have been Laurin’s specialty for over 20 years. Our experience includes: housing conditions reports; household income surveys; and housing needs assessments.