The Raney Division has completed over 250 Air Quality Assessments and GHG Analyses for public and private sector clients throughout California. Raney’s air quality expertise ranges from private development projects, affordable housing projects, and large-scale specific plans, to unique and complex projects, such as mining and industrial projects. Over the years, Raney has developed excellent working relationships with local air quality management districts throughout California and through these relationships understand unique requirements for various air quality management districts. Raney’s approach is to coordinate with the lead agency, air quality management district, and the applicant to tailor services to meet the unique needs of every client.
What further separates Raney from other air quality firms is our unique understanding of how the air quality and GHG analyses fit into the overall CEQA/NEPA and planning process. Raney’s reports can be utilized as stand-alone documents in conformance with CEQA/NEPA or prepared in a manner that is easily incorporated into a larger CEQA/NEPA document, such as an Initial Study or Environmental Impact Report. Raney works closely with the lead agency, the air district, and the applicant to ensure that the mitigation measures are feasible, easy to understand, implementable, and straightforward to sign-off by the lead agency.