7th and Myrtle (Eureka, CA) – DANCO – The 7th and Myrtle project was for a 36-unit senior housing complex financed with 9% tax credits and HCD IIG.
490 S Van Ness (San Francisco, CA) – BRIDGE Housing – The project at 490 S Van Ness was for an 81-unit multifamily housing project financed with 4% tax credits with bonds, the City of San Francisco, and AHP.
Chico Veterans Village (Chico, CA) – Urban Housing cOMMUNITIES- The Chico Veterans Village project was for a 52-unit affordable housing project targeting chronically homeless, homeless disabled, and other homeless veterans households financed with 9% tax credits and HCD-VHHP.
Faith Manor (Hayward, CA) – Eden Housing – The Faith Manor project included the rehabilitation of a 62-unit multifamily affordable housing project financed with 4% tax credits with bonds and Alameda County HOME funding.
Oxford Street (Berkeley, CA) – Satellite Affordable Housing Associates – The Oxford Street project was for a 35-unit affordable housing project targeting senior households in Berkeley, CA financed with 4% tax credits with bonds, City of Berkeley funds, No Place Like Home, and Alameda County A1 funds.
PATH Villas (Hollywood, CA) – PATH Ventures – The project at PATH Villas Hollywood was for a 60-unit multi-family affordable housing project targeting homeless individuals and persons with a developmental disability financed with 4% tax credits with bonds, AHSC, National Housing Trust Fund, Prop HHH Funds, and Project Based Vouchers.
Quetzal Gardens (San Jose, CA) – Resources for Community Development – The project at Quetzal Gardens was for a 71-unit affordable multi-family housing project financed with 4tax credits with bonds, AHSC, 2017-18 City of San Jose, and Santa Clara County.
Stonegate Village (Patterson, CA) – Self-Help Enterprises – The project at Stonegate Village was for a 138-unit affordable multifamily housing project financed with 4 percent tax credits with bonds, AHSC, NHTF, and a City of Patterson grant.
Victory Trio (Sacramento, CA) – Mutual Housing California – The Victory Trio project was for a 91-unit multi-family affordable housing project financed with 4% tax credits with bonds, and SHRA HOME and Housing Trust Funds.