Ms. DaRosa brings 15 years of environmental experience to the Raney team with a background in CEQA, air quality, and engineering. Ms. DaRosa graduated from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Engineering. Ms. DaRosa’s background in engineering and technical writing allows her to analyze complex technical studies and integrate them into each project. As Assistant Division Manager with Raney, Ms. DaRosa provides project management and assists in the preparation and processing of various environmental and planning documents, such as EIRs, Initial Studies, NEPA compliance documents, and environmental land use and planning documents. As an Air Quality Specialist, Ms. DaRosa works closely with Raney’s in-house Air Quality Technician to prepare air quality and greenhouse gas analyses, including Health Risk Assessments, for Initial Studies and EIRs, as well as stand-alone analyses for various private-sector clients. Ms. DaRosa prepared analyses for projects located within the jurisdictional boundaries of a number of air districts throughout the State including, but not limited to, the Placer County Air Pollution Control District, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, and the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District. Project types for which Ms. DaRosa has prepared analyses include residential and mixed-use developments, fitness centers, industrial parks, shopping centers, warehouse expansions, medical centers, offices, and photovoltaic systems. Ms. DaRosa is proficient in the use of current air quality models, including CalEEMod, CALINE4, AERSCREEN, AERMOD, and HARP2 RAST.

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