Eastview Specific Plan Annexation Planing Services – City of Galt
The Eastview Specific Plan project consists of a mixed residential development, including parks, open space, schools, minor commercial and public facilities, and associated infrastructure on approximately 337 acres. Requested entitlements included Annexation, Pre-zoning, General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Approval, Vesting Tentative Map(s), and creation of a Mello-Roos or other special financing district. Raney, under contract with the City of Galt, prepared an EIR to address the potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed project and provide associated planning services. Potential environmental impacts analyzed in the EIR include aesthetics, air quality and greenhouse gas emissions, biological resources, cultural resources, geology and soils, hydrology and water quality, land use and planning, agricultural and forestry resources, noise, population and housing, public services and utilities, and transportation and circulation. Raney needed to analyze possible hazard issues from the project site’s history of being used as agriculture land with possible soil contamination. The Specific Plan and Annexation area included both participating and non-participating properties. The EIR addressed the non-participating properties at a program-level while a project-level analysis was prepared for the Liberty Ranch portion of the project. The EIR was further prepared to serve Sacramento County LAFCo at the time of processing the annexation. Raney and staff had been in close coordination with LAFCo staff regarding the annexation boundaries, process and EIR. In addition, Raney assisted City staff with application routing, agency coordination, public outreach, preparation of staff reports, and project management. Both the project has been approved and the EIR has been certified. It should be noted that Raney is currently under contract to prepare and process the annexation application for submittal to LAFCo.
Wendy’s Remodel Design Review – City of Antioch
The proposed project consisted of a 2,486-square foot fast food restaurant, drive-thru, and 42 parking stalls. The remodel included upgrades to the building exterior with new building signage and address numbers, overhangs, accent blade wall, stucco, and paint. Raney, under contract with the City, provided planning services for Design Review approval, including managing the Architectural Peer Review and preparing the staff report and Conditions of Approval.