Fruitridge Industrial Warehouse AQ/GHG Analysis – City of Sacramento
The proposed project would include demolition of the existing 12,840-sf building and the construction of a 246,676 sf, 39.5 ft high concrete, tilt-up warehouse building. Two depressed loading docks would be constructed on the east side of the proposed building and a retaining wall would be constructed along the western boundary of the project site. In addition, underground storm drain piping, a detention basin, and a storm drain lift station pump would be constructed. The project would include the widening of Fruitridge Road along the project site’s frontage and dedication of ROW. Two driveways are situated on Fruitridge Road for site ingress and egress. The project would include a total of 255 parking spaces, as well as 8 bicycle lockers for bicycle parking. Raney prepared the IS/MND which was approved along with the proposed warehouse.
Galt Utility Master Plan AQ/GHG Analysis – City of Galt
Raney, under contract with the City of Galt, prepared an Initial Study for the City’s Utilities Master Plan, comprised of a Wastewater Collection System Master Plan, Water Distribution System Master Plan, and Storm Drainage System Master Plan. The City prepared and adopted the Utilities Master Plan in order to meet the anticipated new demand associated with the 2030 General Plan update. According to the General Plan, the service area will increase from approximately 3,763 acres to approximately 8,817 acres at full build-out of the General Plan boundaries. The Initial Study was prepared to provide program-level mitigation addressing what each future project would need to comply with in order to minimize the need for future environmental documents. The Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration was approved along with the Utilities Master Plan.