Galt Zoning Ordinance Update – City of Galt
The proposed project included the adoption of the new Citywide Development Code, the new Landscape Design Guidelines, and an updated City of Galt Zoning Map. The general purpose of the City of Galt Development Code was to comprehensively revise the Citywide zoning regulations to shape the future growth of the City and ensure consistency with the General Plan and other applicable regulations. Raney worked with an ad hoc committee appointed by the City Council to review the proposed revisions to the Development Code. The City of Galt’s Landscape Design Guidelines were updated and replaced the existing City of Galt Landscape Manual. The Galt Zoning Map was updated to provide consistency with the new Citywide Development Code and the 2030 Galt General Plan. Raney also prepared the Initial Study under contract with the City of Galt and the project has since been approved.
Wheatland Bikeway Master Plan – City of Wheatland
The Wheatland Bikeway Master Plan Initial Study project consisted of programmatic environmental analysis of the Bikeway Master Plan (BMP). Raney assisted the City of Wheatland by preparing both the BMP and the related Initial Study using Sacramento Area Council of Governments grant money. Prior to the creation of the BMP, there was an absence of guiding policy for the development of coordinated city-wide bikeway system. Since the City of Wheatland was beginning to see an interest in multiple long-range development projects, the City decided it was necessary to develop a BMP to serve as a foundation to help guide future improvements and developments within the City of Wheatland to assist in creating a bicycle network and a more bicycle-friendly City. Raney conducted considerable public outreach and involvement throughout the preparation of the BMP. For instance, Raney assembled an ad hoc committee consisting of city leadership with two Planning Commission and two City Council members and publicly noticed and conducted several ad hoc committee meetings to receive input and policy direction on the evolving master plan document. Raney prepared an Initial Study consistent with CEQA Guidelines to evaluate whether there would be significant impacts due to the implementation of the BMP. The Initial Study analyzed the plan-level impacts of adopting the City’s BMP and the Initial Study has since been approved.